Good Morning from Saba Rock, and the Bitter End Yacht Club


Less you think that Bear is a big boat check out who we shared the mooring field with last night!

We think it is it is Sir Richard Branson's, his home/Nector Island is right around the corner and he is rumored to be in the BVI's this week!  We had quite an adventure at the Baths.  The Baths are a beautiful place to snorkel, however, we had really significant Northern Swells that picked up after some of our kittens made it to shore.  The return trip to the boat, required significant shuttling (beaches became inaccessible by dingy), and a lot of swimming my me and another kitten, and significant maneuvering of the dingy by Megan.  All are safe and sound, but still asleep this AM!!!

My favorite part of the day was sailing/motoring through a pretty significant squall.  I got to wear my foul weather gear (and Megan couldn't make fun of me for packing it because it was NEEDED)!  Then we proceeded to have a shower in the rain!  I love the low footprint that can be created on a boat.  We are off to Anegada this morning after a leisurely breakfast and trip to the Bitter End Yacht Club!  Happy Monday!


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