A Yogi does Pilates

I love yoga, but as an Exercise Physiologist I understand the importance of cross training.  At the FMB Yoga Project we are excited to offer Pilates on Tuesdays & Thursdays @8:30am at Newton Park. 
New to Pilates?  for $5 come at 8:00am for a short Demo Class.

Now I wouldn't tell you to take a class that I haven't done.  Marti is an amazing instructor with a passion for horse back riding and animals big and small.  I, however, am awful at Pilates.  I have to modify everything, and often can't finish all of the exercises.  But you know what, that is OK.  Everyone has to start someplace, and Pilates works complementary, but not the same, muscles as Yoga, so it is good for me.

You remember my Runaway Ornament, right?
(Runaway Ornament on FMB Yoga Project Facebook Page)

If you want to learn more about the Yoga Pilates Connection check out this article by Yoga Journal

So what should you expect at your first Pilates Class?  The mats are softer.  The movements are very fluid and continuous.  You focus on very fine/precise movements - or at least you should.

See you on the Mat.



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