My Fitness Journey Almost a Year in the Making
I had a challenger ask me, HOW do I actually fit in 30 minutes of exercise a day. She was coming from a place of frustration. How did I know that? I was there, not that long ago. So I thought I would share to show that you can do it, that starting slow is ok, and for me my groups are the requirement.
Couple of things you know -
1. I like to run and always have. (I have run 4 Marathons, I like to Run).
2. I have been in the health and fitness industry for almost 20 year, and all this weight started after I finished my PhD and stopped training people. I lost my accountability, and had to find it again to get my own fitness back on track.
This is why I coach.
In April of 2016, we wrapped up our ski season. I weighted 184lbs- the same amount I weight before delivering both of my kids. My clothes didn't fit, and I was miserable.
In May of 2016, I started running with Zen Labs Coach to 5K app. (I love their app BTW - check it out.)
(You start to run every other day building up to 30 Minutes - It sucked in the beginning, because I was so out of shape.)
(You start to run every other day building up to 30 Minutes - It sucked in the beginning, because I was so out of shape.)
By August- nothing had changed weight wise so I acknowledged that I needed to do some strength training. I knew this, but I love running and hate strength training. Do as I say, not as I do- which wasn't working for me.
A joined Beachbody August 2016 because I saw the inspiring posts from a former student of mine. I had to do something. I started with 21 Day Fix (30 minute exercise sessions) and started with my Shakes. It sucked, I couldn't do a push up, I was winded the whole time. But I finished it, and lost about 7/8 lbs (running periodically). And sought out another program.
In September, I switched to PiYo (30 minute sessions), started cleaning up my eating. Still ran periodically (1/2 days per week). Kept that up until December. By January I was down 16lbs. My clothes fit better, I felt better, and my Ski Pants fit at the beginning of the season. Win one for ME!
We ski in the Winter - so I switched Yoga for January and did a 30 day cleanse.
We planned on doing Disney, when we started training in May 2016 - so . . .
In February started increasing my running/augmenting with Yoga 3 Week Yoga Retreat and 30 day Yoga Caledar from the Beachbody Yoga Studio. I will continue through Disney 10K - our goal when we started and probably through the end of the month. Then I will start a new program, yet to be determined.
My schedule isn't normal. so some weeks workouts are at noon, and some they are at 6am- here is my April 10th Schedule- Yes I make them weekly so that I can fit in my workouts.
I am due to take a new transformation photo but honestly, I am loving how I feel and care less about the scale. If you want the scale I am down about 34 lbs (coming off faster now) and down 2 sizes. I can also run 6 miles comfortably- not fast and do full pushups- which is what really motivates me to keep going!
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