
Showing posts from May, 2018

Motivation, Fitting it All In, and Yoga Teacher Training

Photo Credit Suzi S.S., St Louis I have seen lots of social media posts on Motivation, how to find it, how to keep it.  It is also a common challenge among my clients.  Honestly, I struggle with it too.  Life is busy, it is easy to get UNMOTIVATED and off track.  I am also at the National American College of Sports Medicine Meeting this week, surrounded by people who are motivated and passionate about physical activity and health.   So Motivation is on my Mind. So here are my thoughts, tips, tricks on Motivation, and how to Fit it All In. 1.  Surround yourself with people who are supportive.   I have been scheduling meetings all week with highly motivated, and BUSY, women.  We have pushed meetings back so one member could fit in her workout.  Decided to meet for dinner, not lunch, so we had time to squeeze in a noon workout.  If you don't feel supported by your friends, have you asked them for their help?  " I need yo...

The Bhavagad Gita & Girl Wash Your Face

As part of my Yoga Teacher Training, we are required to read several books on the spiritual side of yoga.  This is something that I rarely discuss, so please bear with me as I stretch my comfort zone. The first book I picked from the list is  The Bhagavad Gita .  The Gita is considered the foundation of Yoga and Hinduism.  Many believe that The Gita is also a significant world text.  Now as way of background, I did my undergraduate work at an amazing liberal arts college in Mt. Vernon, IA, Go Rams .  I took some amazing classes, but one has stuck with me- Religions of the World .  It was taught by an Observant Jew who brought in Hare Krishnas, a Buddhist, and a Catholic Priest to talk to us.  We studied The Bible, Torah, and Qur'an, The Gita.  Now, Cornell College is on a block system, meaning that we take 1 Course-at-a-Time, and took this course about all the World's Major Religions in 3.5 Weeks.  This is important because it allows ...

New Adventure - 500 Hour Teacher Training

Jennifer Mossburg Photography I have been doing yoga since graduate school at the George Washington University, a peer suggested it.  She was older than I was, and in much better shape.  I hated it, I was doing distance running at the time so slowing down to do yoga showed me just where the muscle imbalances were AND I wasn't good at it.  (Isn't that how most things go.)  So, I stuck with it.  It helped me after the Tall One was born, and it became run one day, and yoga the next.  I have continued my practice over the last, 20 years.  About 10 years ago, I decided I wanted to get trained as a yoga instructor.   As a long time group fitness instructor, personal trainer, downhill ski instructor, exercise physiologist, it kinda makes sense, right? Well life was not conducive.  There was a nasty divorce, graduate school, again, and a growing family.  It just never fit in.  I could not take a month of from "life" and...

Pay it Forward- Update on S/V Second Chance

Thank you to Sailing Satori  for a great article on the "rescue" of S/V Second Chance.  We are very lucking to have a ski community. a boating community, and a beach community that all come together to support individuals in need!  The entire Fort Myers Beach community helped to provide aid to S/V Second Chance providing supplies, boats, housing, dinner, and friendship (and more than a few beers-lol).    We wish them best of luck on their next adventure.  If you want to follow their progress check out  S/V Second Chance Facebook Page . Sailing Satori - You Tube Video Abandoned Ship S/V Second Chance