New Adventure - 500 Hour Teacher Training

Jennifer Mossburg Photography
I have been doing yoga since graduate school at the George Washington University, a peer suggested it.  She was older than I was, and in much better shape.  I hated it, I was doing distance running at the time so slowing down to do yoga showed me just where the muscle imbalances were AND I wasn't good at it.  (Isn't that how most things go.)  So, I stuck with it.  It helped me after the Tall One was born, and it became run one day, and yoga the next.  I have continued my practice over the last, 20 years.  About 10 years ago, I decided I wanted to get trained as a yoga instructor.  

As a long time group fitness instructor, personal trainer, downhill ski instructor, exercise physiologist, it kinda makes sense, right?

Well life was not conducive.  There was a nasty divorce, graduate school, again, and a growing family.  It just never fit in.  I could not take a month of from "life" and do an intensive training AND my life is not set up to take every weekend or 3 weekends a month for 3-6 months to complete a face to face training.  In came, I have been watching her for a year and now I am ready  . . . .
British Virgin Islands
Timberline WV
She has years of experience teaching face to face classes but has recognized the need for online course for people like me.  So here is my next adventure.  I am not sure where it is going to take me, but I think it is time to see.  


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