The Bhavagad Gita & Girl Wash Your Face
The first book I picked from the list is The Bhagavad Gita. The Gita is considered the foundation of Yoga and Hinduism. Many believe that The Gita is also a significant world text. Now as way of background, I did my undergraduate work at an amazing liberal arts college in Mt. Vernon, IA, Go Rams. I took some amazing classes, but one has stuck with me- Religions of the World. It was taught by an Observant Jew who brought in Hare Krishnas, a Buddhist, and a Catholic Priest to talk to us. We studied The Bible, Torah, and Qur'an, The Gita. Now, Cornell College is on a block system, meaning that we take 1 Course-at-a-Time, and took this course about all the World's Major Religions in 3.5 Weeks. This is important because it allows you to see connections amongst texts and ideas that when doing the same over 16 weeks does not. The peak thought that I took away from this class is the similarity, not differences, among the religions. It is an idea that has had a profound impact on the way that I view things.
So, I have been reading The Gita, which is intense, the names are in a foreign language and the text is more poetry than traditional reading. (Imagine reading The Bible from start to finish as you would a Summer Beach read.) So I when my brain looses the ability to process, I flip to a book on Personal Development, Girl, Wash Your Face. I love her writing, it is clear and straight forward, but please don't take that to mean it is simple, her messages are high impact.
So WHY am I talking about these two books together, when to some, they may appear to be so far apart. Their messages are surprisingly similar.
Karma and The Butterfly Effect - The Gita discusses Karma. Karma is the actions we take upon the world and how our actions impact the rest of the world. Those actions have implications, that we may not see or understand, but those actions affect & effect us. Girl, discusses the Butterfly Effect, where something that happens in one place, has an impact that is far reaching someplace else. Now, this is a simplification of complex concepts, but at this point, that is where my overall understanding lies, in the simple overarching themes. Many have studied The Gita and other Sacred Texts for years, and may have more complex understanding, stick with me, I may get there, I may not, but I am being changed by the current ideas, simplistic as they may be.
Service to Others - In Girl, Rachel discusses the impact of one of her experiences of service to others. She is a runner and instead of running a race with her friends, she drove them to the race and cheered them on. At several points, she admits to being resentful, but upon hearing/feeling God, she opens to experience and is transformed by it. (She is a Christian) (No I am not going to give you all the details, buy the book- it is worth it.) In the preamble of this edition of The Gita, Eknath discusses his interactions with Mahatma Ghandi, who aimed to live his entire life following the teachings of The Gita: "Ghandi encapsulates the Gita's message one phrase: nichkama karma, selfless action, work free from any selfish motives."
Now I could go on and on with the similarities I have seen or have been raised by the authors: Chaos Theory, Modern Physics, higher vibrations, Good & Evil, the Light & the Dark ( yes I go to Star Wars). . . . and I probably will at some point. Right now, I am still digesting and pondering.
Now, my parting thought, do not think that I am amazing for reading two books at a time. I must confess, I am not reading them, I am listening to them. I am just as busy as everyone else. I am been listening to this books via Audible on my commute, when I am cooking or cleaning. If you have never tried listening to a book, I suggest you do, it is a life changer.
Till next time, Nameste.
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