White Shark Obession

Juvenile Male White Shark 2014
Ok - so the obsession stared, in a book, in the midwest.  Actually it started with the story of the USS Indianapolis, labeled as the worst shark attach in US history.  I was fascinated with the science not the horror of the event.  (I do not want to discount the horror and it is part of the reason it has taken 4 years to get my Scuba Certification.)  But when you read about how the sharks were attracted and why they attacked- and why they attack in general it all makes sense.  (At least to my scientific mind)

So this midwestern girl, starts to study sharks and becomes OBSESSED.  Not being close to salt water- my obsession is not an issue.  After I graduated and moved to Washington, DC, things start to change.  But I am not in a place to sort through my issues/desires with the water.  

Fast forward, I meet an amazing adrenaline junkie- with whom I fell in love- who is a certified diver.  So let's try this dive thing again.  2103 - Experience Scuba afternoon in Northern KY (yes you read this right).  Ok equalization is tough, but ok.  Let's do this thing.

2014- Graduate from my Doctoral Program, but there is a Groupon of Scuba Cert.  LETS DO THIS!!!  Hmmm well, lets see.  I am struggling to be in the water and not cold.  I am struggling being bouyant- I spend my time upside down.  But HELL YES I carry on.  

As a Graduation Present AND Megan's 40th we venture to South Africa.  "Let's dive with Whites, Let's Dive with Whites"  I chant.  So we did.

Oh SNICKIES, they are big, and beautiful, and powerful, and I am but a speck.  NO MORE WATER FOR ME!!!!

Until . . .

It took some time, and some patience.  We went snorkeling, some trips went well, some, not so much, but I started to learn about myself.  I ONLY like warm water.  I don't like things to touch me.  I like lots of visibility, I don't like the pelagic- I like reefs.  I like warmth.  So that means certain of my beloved Apex predators DO NOT like the same space I do.  So Breeeeaaaatttthhhheeee - and below the water I go again.  

Next Up- Study, Study, Study.  


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