Rule 3- Be Flexible

This has always been my approach to traveling. It should be moving, rewarding, but it is not always easy. I have a theory, that when you travel a lot, periodically, you will have a trip where everything goes wrong. You miss a flight, you get sick, the beautiful hotel you choose online is a roach infested hell hole. The list goes on. So what do you you? In order to have an enjoyable trip you have to learn to be flexible. Learning to go with the flow has been my biggest challenge and I am forced to perfect that skill when I travel. I admit it, I have control issues. I hate it when things don't go as planned. So what do you do when the travel gods are not shining on you? Step 1 Breathe . This is such an overlooked practice. I mean literally, stop, and take 5 deep breaths in and slowly let them out. The practice of breathing is often lost but it has/ and can have a profound impact on your physcology and physiology....