So Why Spend 2 Weeks at an Ashram and What is an Ashram Anyway?

This is a question that I have been asked a lot. Honestly, there are many reasons. Me at Graduation Why Enter an Ashram? The first, I have always wanted to experience living in an Ashram. Maybe it is the result of 20 years of doing and teaching yoga. Maybe it is Eat, Pray, Love . Who knows, but it has always been on my bucket list. So why now? These last couple of years have been hard. I feel burned out, lacking a clear focus, lack of passion for things I once loved, and a general questioning of what do I really want to be doing with my life, because I don't think this is it. So, I decided to quit my job, and thanks to a supportive spouse, fond a local Ashram that had a Teacher Training starting right after my tenure with FGCU ended. It seems like the universe was telling me something, even if I didn't quite know what it was. So off I went. So What is an Ashram? Here is what it is not. It is not a cult-lol. That is often the first misconception. It comes from th...