Hatha Yoga - Ashram Day 3

So today is day 3 at the Ashram and it has been a great experience so far.
The people are wonderful and from all over the world and the U.S.
Fun Facts for me so far:
  • I haven’t worn shoes since I got here, other than for Karma Yoga.
  • We don’t wear them indoors and there are pathways elsewhere. T
  • he ashram is minimalistic (think tiny house village) where you only use the necessities.
  • They compost, grow their own food, and conserve water. My conservation hear is alive.
  • I have only eaten vegan. Although the granola bar I had as a snack may not totally count but no meat- lol
My biggest learning so far is that after 20 years of practice I know so little. So here is the first piece of aha knowledge I want to share with you.
Background: There are 8 limbs to yoga. We will get to them all. But Hatha Yoga the one we all practice is the Physical Practice – the Asanas. But Hatha Yoga means more than just the physical practice it has its own subdivisions. It includes:
  • the physical practice,
  • breathwork ,
  • right nutrition,
  • adequate rest , AND
  • a positive Mind
Wow- imagine if that was the only piece of yoga we practiced regularly.
If you have a regular yoga practice which piece of this component are your missing. And How can you add it back in this week?
P.S. Karma Yoga is the yoga of action- at the ashram, this looks like service to the ashram. My first karma yoga session was planning turmeric.
Stay tuned for more, Om Shanti 


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