Love the Results - Hate the Work??
So I am going to share my thoughts on #21DFX. Why? Because this may help someone else, and that is part of my motivation for doing this. I, like many people, have a hard time making time for myself. I am not saying this is a good thing, it tends to cause more problems than is solves. I do, do, do. I can't say no. I push, push, push. Then I snap, snap, snap. Why? because I am exhausted and I haven't practiced any self care. So the last year, I have tried to stop doing just that. (I have tried, it is by no means perfect.) As the first step, I started exercising again. I like how I feel when I exercise. I like how I feel mentally, it helps that I also like how I look better:) It is also a piece of myself that I had lost since finishing my PhD. A couple of months later, I started coaching. Now here is the double edge sword. I LOVE working with my challengers. It makes me feel g...