First Open Water Dive

I have now been in open water 4 times and I am PADI Certified.  I am NOT an expert, but this was my experience learning to dive.  I have to start with a shout out to Caribbean Sea Sports.  The staff and dive instructors were amazing.
First Under Water Experience - Curacao 2017 

My primary instructor was Sameer.  He is wonderful.  He is quiet, calm, methodical.  All of which I needed.  I had some real anxiety before this trip.  My brain knows that the chances of getting eaten underwater are very small, however, fear is fear.
My Dive Instructor Sameer 2017

The entire group went on my first dive.  Megan is already certified, Megan and Dan are not, but decided to give it a whirl.  They played in the lagoon.  Megan Z stated she was the best diver in 6 inches of water and I agree!

Either good or bad, we had some equipment issues with my new equipment this trip.  It happens, and honestly that did more to make me feel more confident than less.  I understand how it works and when it doesn't.  Knowledge is power.

After performing my first set of skills, we set out to explore the reef.  I have added some pictures below.  However, to be honest I saw very little on my first dive.  I was too nervous checking my gear, trying not to panic, slow my breathing, maintain my buoyancy . . . .  But I did it.
Me 2017

I struggled to equalize my ears at one point.  Sameer helped me rise and descend more slowly.  That changed the experience for me.  At that point, things started clicking, on how I could make this work for me, and that was my job.  The rest would follow.

What I learned on Day 2 was that every instructor is different and sees different things underwater.  I am in love with coral.  I am working on learning more about identifying it.

Sameer sees all the little details, little eels, a lobster camouflaged in the reef.  He also moves effortlessly through the water.  I aspire to be that graceful.  I definitely improved but I have a long way to go.  Stay Tuned to Meet Troy! and for me to do 2 dives in 1 day.
Yet to be Identified by Me Coral 2017


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