How to Choose a Yoga Mat

So you have decided you want to try a Yoga Class, Congratulations on the first step of your Yoga Journey.  In Yoga, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to get started; fancy clothes and mats are not required.  Wear comfortable clothes that allow for free movement and for a small fee, most yoga studios, have mats you can rent.  But if you really want your own mat, or are practicing at home, these are the things to keep in mind.
Yoga Mats of Various Thicknesses

First, yoga mats are thinner and stickier that typical exercise mats.  The stickiness prevents you from sliding and allows for a better grip, especially during balance during poses.  Mats, typically, rage from 1/16 inch to ¼ inch.  A 1/16 inch mat is very thin and is most often used as a travel mat.  The thickest mat, ¼”, is best for restorative yoga and can make balancing poses challenging in a typical class.  Most mats are 1/8” thick and are ideal for beginners.  Don’t panic if it feels thin, it can be folded over during kneeling poses for extra cushion.

Second, yoga mats are made of many different materials, most commonly, vinyl or plastic.  If you prefer a more eco-friendly options, they exist, and use materials such as bamboo, recycled rubber, and even cotton. 

Yoga Mat, Block, and Strap
Finally, if you are beginner, you may want to purchase a Yoga Kit that includes a block and strap.  These props make it easier for you to experience the pose more fully.  For example, if you cannot reach your toes, you can reach the block.  With a prop, it is easier to appropriately engage your legs in a forward bend pose.  Straps serve the same function in seated poses.  If you are practicing at home, a hard, flat, water bottle and a man’s tie work just as well as a block and strap.  I have used many items as props when I travel, including a ski boot and helmet as a blocks and a rolled towel as a strap.

Now that you have a better understanding of function of yoga mats choose one that makes you happy.  Hope to see you on the Mat, Namaste.


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