
Showing posts from March, 2020

COVID 19 & PA- How and Why to Stay Active, NOW!!!

We get it!!!  We are all stuck at home on some level of social distancing and isolation. We may be nervous, anxious, or even a little depressed at the state of our world.   While reading this post may not do anything to stem the tide of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it may help to keep your health and sanity during these trying times. The American College of Sports Medicine Exercise is Medicine (R) Initiative   #exerciseismedicine #eim has released a handout and blog on why and how you should stay healthy during the Pandemic. Here is a link to other ACSM resources on exercising during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Exercise is beneficial for us in so many ways. Exercise Releases Stress Exercise Boosts Your Immune System Exercise Boosts Your Mood Physical Activity and Exercise Improve Your Overall Health! Harvard Medical School has recommended exercise, specifically yoga and mediation, during this time. If you want to try Yoga or Meditation check out t...

My G.O.A.T - John Snow

If you have been following, the FMB Yoga Project we are now doing online classes!  I have been recording classes on the road as we pick up kids whose schools have been closed. I have adopted a mascot for my videos - John Snow the GOAT. Now, I am a fan of Game of Thrones and Jon Snow . However, he is not whom I have named my Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) after. Instead, my mascot is named after the Father of Modern Epidemiology, John Snow (1813-1858) the physician . He was the scientist/physician who found the source of the 1854 Cholera Outbreak in London . Cholera was common in the Victorian Era due to unsanitary conditions and close living quarters. Dr. Snow was one of the first to identify its transmission via food and water. He used the processes we call " shoe-leather epidemiology ". He physically mapped the number of cases and their geographic location finding that one water pump on Broad Street was the source of the epidemic. His work showed that by removing the...

Day 6 & 7 - Manatees and the KOA and a Quick Turnaround

Let me start by saying that this is not exactly how I had planned to spend March. I am not alone in that sentiment. Homosassa Springs We are picking up our kids and heading home trying to remail positive in a tough time. We did start our trip with a short (3mile) run through the Homosasass State Park, social distancing at its best. Many of the State Park facilities are closed but the park itself is open. We then went swimming with the Manatees. Well, thank you global warming, the water in the Gulf is warm enough that the manatees don't need the springs. We saw 3. These Florida Girls froze in 72-degree water- Brr. Yes, we were in full wetsuits. It was not a total loss we met some fun people and got a little exercise. From there we moved to our first KOA!!! Campgrounds are social distancing at its best. Everyone is living in their own space. Other than the curiosity about our van and the wetsuits, we spend an amazing and quiet night listening to crickets. Hippie Va...

Day 2-5 Plan B, C, & D

As we all know we are living in difficult times. Although we have planned this trip for months, things have shifted and changed with the Covid-19 Pandemic. My conference was canceled, school visits were canceled, schools closed, as did many of the locations where my team and I teach yoga. I have spent the last 3 days adjusting, modifying, and preparing for the current trip. Yes, we are on the road!  We are picking up the Short One who's school is closed and working closely with the Tall One, whose university shut down on Friday. Walmart in Homosassas The yoga adage is that the Universe provides what you need. For us, it is a camper van, the ability to work from the road, and strong immune systems. We will be slowly making our way up north, then return back to FL. I appreciate the small things. I finally got to spend the night in a Walmart parking lot.  I get to travel with my partner in crime, Megan.  We have found a way to offer yoga and pilates t...

Day 1 - Ashram, Trip Prep, and Excitement

While it may not be exciting, it is the reality I spent Day 1 packing and prepping for my trip. Luckily, we could start the day with Satsang. At the Ashram, we wake at 5:30am for Satsang. Satsang is a gathering of light-minded people seeking additional spiritual knowledge. From a practical perspective, we meditate, chant, and listen to a lecture/teaching from Guruji. If you want a little more information on Satsang check out this website . Then my traveling companion was off to a school trip to New York ( which has been canceled ). Anytime there is a trip there is a significant amount of prep work. Living out of a van for the better part of 20 days is no different. What is also funny, interesting, real, about my current life is that I will be wearing about 4 different hats on my trip. My Roles Speaker , my first official stop will be in Atlanta for the ACSM Health & Fitness Summit where I will be delivering a talk on Technology and EIMOC with my Partner in Crime. I wil...

The Adventure Begins . . . 20 Days of Yoga & Meditation on the Road in a Van

Some would say that I have a gypsy soul, others might look at me as a hippy or gypsy. Honestly, I am comfortable with all of those labels as they do speak to a portion of my soul that always seems to be moving. I am about to embark on another adventure and I am inviting, those who are interested, to join me. I will be blogging and posting about my daily yoga & meditation practice, how it works when it fails, and all of the other experiences that come along the way. Let's start at the beginning. I will be traveling in an Escape Camper Van . We may end up calling her Thumper or Baa Baa we haven't decided yet. I will be doing part of my trip with my traveling companion, looking at colleges and planning for the future. Part of the time I will be traveling solo, although there are some who plan to drop in on the adventure, and some I plan on dropping in on.  Here are a few pictures from our first partial day in the Van. Day 0 - We feel blessed to be able to spend our f...

What is Pilates and Why You Should Try It.

What is Pilates? Pilates is a style of exercise designed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. His goal was to develop exercises that would help rehabilitate immobilized World War I soldiers. The focus of the exercises is primarily around core strengthening and flexibility. In a Pilates mat class, you can see that Joseph Pilates based a lot of the movements on yoga and martial arts. Commonly, Pilates is performed on the floor, letting the body act as resistance. This is the style of Pilates we offer at the FMB Yoga Project. Other Pilates studios offer classes on machines, such as the Reformer. Have questions about that style of Pilates, ask Marti next time you are in class. Differences between Yoga & Pilates? There are a couple of differences to expect if you are an FMB Yoga Project Yogi and you decide to try a Pilates class.       1.      The mats are much softer. 2.      The lights are on. 3.  ...