COVID 19 & PA- How and Why to Stay Active, NOW!!!

We get it!!! We are all stuck at home on some level of social distancing and isolation. We may be nervous, anxious, or even a little depressed at the state of our world. While reading this post may not do anything to stem the tide of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it may help to keep your health and sanity during these trying times. The American College of Sports Medicine Exercise is Medicine (R) Initiative #exerciseismedicine #eim has released a handout and blog on why and how you should stay healthy during the Pandemic. Here is a link to other ACSM resources on exercising during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Exercise is beneficial for us in so many ways. Exercise Releases Stress Exercise Boosts Your Immune System Exercise Boosts Your Mood Physical Activity and Exercise Improve Your Overall Health! Harvard Medical School has recommended exercise, specifically yoga and mediation, during this time. If you want to try Yoga or Meditation check out t...