Day 1 - Ashram, Trip Prep, and Excitement

While it may not be exciting, it is the reality I spent Day 1 packing and prepping for my trip.

Luckily, we could start the day with Satsang. At the Ashram, we wake at 5:30am for Satsang. Satsang is a gathering of light-minded people seeking additional spiritual knowledge.

From a practical perspective, we meditate, chant, and listen to a lecture/teaching from Guruji. If you want a little more information on Satsang check out this website.

Then my traveling companion was off to a school trip to New York (which has been canceled). Anytime there is a trip there is a significant amount of prep work. Living out of a van for the better part of 20 days is no different. What is also funny, interesting, real, about my current life is that I will be wearing about 4 different hats on my trip.

My Roles

Speaker, my first official stop will be in Atlanta for the ACSM Health & Fitness Summit where I will be delivering a talk on Technology and EIMOC with my Partner in Crime. I will then be sharing our work with the larger conference during a networking session on Friday night. This conference has been canceled.

ReefBox Owner & Diver 
On Saturday, I am switching hats and going to the Georgia Aquarium to hopefully see some dive friends and learn about the amazing work being done by the volunteer divers and the aquarium in general. No idea if the Aquarium will remain open.

Friend/Spouse - from here we hope to visit a friend or two and I will play drive your spouse to work day, while Megan has business meetings.

Mother - I then retrieve my traveling companion and we commence our college visit trip. Presently we do not know if any of the Universities will be open for visits. Stay Tuned.

Along the way, I expect to switch from one hat to the other. I will also be doing daily yoga and looking for local yoga studios to explore.

COVID-19 Update - Our plans are shifting as is the status of this Pandemic. We are not panicked but taking the necessary precautions and adjusting as needed. This may end up being a road trip to check out State & Federal Parks to spend time in Nature.

See you on the Mat.


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