Transformation Tuesday - Jan 2017

I love seeing seeing everyones' Transformation Tuesday Posts.  I am so impressed by everyone's goal to loose weight and get fit.  I love seeing the amount of weight loss and how much better everyone looks.  In May of 2016, I felt the same way, old, out of shape, clothes didn't fit.  

We started running, it was soooo sad at first, but we did it!  We covered our 5k goal distance.  It wasn't always consistant, it wasn't always pretty, but we did it!  BUT the weight wasn't coming off.  Now I have been training people for 15 years, and I KNOW, that I needed to lift weights.  I have a MS in Exercise Science.  Teach this to University Students, but I drug my feet because I don't like to lift weight.  Then, a friend, suggested Beachbody.  My first response?  Ugh, really?  

Then, I got real, first with myself.  

I started to to do my research and see what all they had to offer.  I was motivated by her hard work and devotion, and I wanted some of it.  So we started with 21Day Fix.  30 minutes.  I can do this, and we love Shakeology.  What the heck, then it happened, the weight started coming off, first a couple of pounds, then we started PiYo, and then more came off, 5, then 10.  

THEN, something happened that I wasn't prepared for, I stopped caring about the weight (I still track it, and am excited by what I see), but I got excited about how much stronger I felt.  About how moves I couldn't do, Summo Squats, or Side Plank, became easier (easier, not easy:)).  

I feel more powerful.  I feel more confident.  I feel more like the old me, the one before life got away from me.  I don't want to give it up, and I want to share it!  
I LOVE my transformation, but pictures of me in a mirror don't tell the whole story.  What does, is the slight, but powerful changes in my abilities.  The increased strength in my arms, and flexibility in my legs and shoulders.  Transformation Tuesday for me, is the improvement in my postures.  


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